Sunday, February 13, 2011

Corporate sacrifice

the sun never sets on the british empire
the evil planet smiles
all of the plans that were set into motion
have born the fruit of cruel desires

chaining the inferior and te different
while silencing the rebel cries
called to arms we have found a demon
to which we can pin our lies

we gave a cause for the social schism
we persecute and we call it right
no one will question our good intentions
they hold the guns but we set their sights

profits are turned when the worlds in opposition
the more we make from the more who die
why should we care for the innocent
when we mint gold from their blood and their lives

" its all about placing blame
more havoc induced is more money to claim
noone will question the situation we have made
moral heros sharpen your blades

massacre the children in the night
we sit behind our false idols
at the base of golden walls we hide
hoist your banner your the face of progress
encourage killing cause it makes your stocks rise"

the sun never sets
the sun never dies
the sun never sets
forget your sympathy and fall in line

" its all about placing blame
more havoc induced is more money to claim
no one will question the situation we have made
moral heros sharpen your blades

massacre the children in the night
so they dont grow up and learn to fight
we sit behind our false idols
at the base of golden walls we hide
your the face of false progress
so carry your banner high
encourage killing cause it makes your stocks rise"

fires will burn the village down
destroy the huts and tents and build a town
clear out the locals its the kings land now

educate the heathens and call them civilized
we conquered the new world forget the ones who were here first
the whole maps colonized
raise the flag , theyll never get it back
no matter how hard they try

" its all about placing blame
more havoc induced is more money to claim
no one will question the situation we have made
moral heros sharpen your blades

massacre the children in the night
so they dont grow up and learn to fight
we sit behind our false idols
at the base of golden walls we hide
your the face of false progress
so carry your banner high
encourage killing cause it makes your stocks rise"

the sun never sets
the sun never dies
forget your regrets, fall in line
hail to the new world order
her holy empire never will she die
burn all the pages in history
that claim what we did wasnt right
its just another corporate sacrifice

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